Watch The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them Fre
Watch The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them Fre

Watch The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them Fre CANNES - After debuting last September at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival in separate "She" and versions of "his", combined "They" (version) of Ned Benson "The loss of Eleanor Rigby" is playing on the pond this afternoon. "She" and "Her" tells a story of couples in crisis from a different perspective of the main character of the film, Connor (James McAvoy) and the eponymous Eleanor (Jessica Chastain). "They" is an attempt to tell the story as a narrative that is fair for both characters, but clearly still driven by Eleanor heartache and emotional journey.

Watch The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them Online After quickly show early couples adoration of each other, a moving image to the present where Eleanor made a dramatic decision that put him in the hospital and, soon, of Connor's life. No explanation was given to Eleanor Connor reasoning or even where he was going (one of the rare moments of the film do not believe is how long it took him to figure out he moved back with his parents). Finally, we learn he made this choice after months of tension after a personal tragedy, but Connor is in shock over the incident immediately and Eleanor reluctance to talk to him.

Connor is a mountain stressful life because he was also dealing with the failure of a restaurant he started with his friend (Bill Hader). Meanwhile, Eleanor finds herself dealing with parents (Isabelle Huppert and William Hurt) who are not sure how to cope with trauma. His father advised him to take a class with a former colleague, Lillian (Viola Davis), to help clear his mind. They quickly developed a friendship that changes the way Eleanor look at the current state.

Watch The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them Online FreeWhile the strained relationship between Chastain and McAvoy is clearly the central character the film, the scene with Lillian Eleanor featuring some of the best moments of the film. There is a certain sparkle to watch former "Help" co-star and Oscar nominee appeared on screen together, but Davis' excellent overview of Lillian is key in providing the perspective of Eleanor as she decides how to stay alive.

Watch The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them Movie OnlineChastain, who is also a producer on the project, just beautiful. There are only a few actresses who could pull this character off and Chastain clearly shows he's one of them. Although some may find the character Eleanor selfish in his actions, Chastain found a balance that wears well depression. He never played Eleanor as inadequate or overburdened. In contrast, Eleanor was just trying to look in the mirror (a recurring theme) and found out who he really at this point in his life. There were extraordinary scenes towards the end of the movie where he breaks in front of Connor that many would label a "roll of Oscar moment." Recognition will be really worth it.